Here I will post problems I and my colleagues met and solutions we found.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

InkEdit does not work when there are no recognition package for your language

It was a midnight when I got pinged by my boss from Mexico. The Ink control that we inserted into our application didn't work. And we used InkEdit.

It was tested before, everything worked fine, there were no recent changes that could break it, and I didn't have Tablet PC at home to duplicate it. We had terminal session and I just couldn't get it. It worked before.

Finally, we realized that standard pop up control (with virtual keyboard) didn't work either. And then we noticed that current language was Spanish, and then we switched to English and everything worked.

So, what they (customer) did - they changed default keyboard input to Spanish, and InkEdit stopped working. Which makes some sense, InkEdit supposed to be used to recognize what you entered, not just store pictures. If you need just store everything was scrubbled without attempting to recognize it, InkPicture should be used.

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